
Landing Your Dream Physician Job


Landing Your Dream Physician Job

It’s no surprise that employment opportunities for physicians are proliferating online. Here’s how to get started.

Need a new job? Your checklist should include: physician recruiters, specialty journal classifieds, networking with colleagues, and perhaps even phone prospective employers. But now more than ever, you can use your mobile device to surf online job boards, where scores of websites are posting employment opportunities for physicians.

Many of those sites also offer a gold mine of information about physician compensation, interviewing strategies, and preparing your CV. You can even create a CV and send it to dozens of employers all at once.

Employers, recruiters, and others with internet job postings are attracting phenomenal interest from physicians. The number of doctors we have placed from our website has increased significantly over the last decade and we expect other sites with jobs for doctors to grow exponentially in the years to come.

Be this as it may, job hunting online can be cumbersome and confusing. Think of venturing online as another arrow in your quiver, not a replacement for conventional ways to look for a job. On the other hand, expanding your search into cyberspace offers several unique benefits—and several new hassles.

Medical journal and specialty organization sites

Finding jobs online is easy. First, check the sites of the medical journals you read. Just about every journal nowadays has one. If the journal carries classified ads, you’ll usually find them online as well.

That’s a benefit, because checking classifieds online is more convenient than thumbing through journals, and you don’t need to subscribe to those publications to do it. For starters, online ads are faster. Many sites feature search engines that let you use keywords like “family physician” and “Florida” to narrow your search to ads of Florida employers with Family Medicine openings, rather than forcing you to scan all the listings, as you must in a magazine.

Also, classified ads on the internet may remain online longer than they do in print—or appear earlier. The weekly New England Journal of Medicine (www.nejmcareers.org), for instance, runs online versions of classified ads one week prior to their appearance in print, giving internet-adept doctors a jump on internet-phobic competitors.

Physician recruiter and employer sites

You can also type keywords like “physician employment” into the query field of a web search engine (like google), which searches a number of individual sites at once. Set up email and text alerts to be notified of the latest opportunities that are indexed immediately.

This can be a blessing or a curse. If you’re seeking a needle-in-the-haystack position or simply want an overview of jobs being advertised, it’s boon. On the other hand, while the major recruitment firms list hundreds of employment opportunities in every specialty throughout the US, most recruiters are mom-and-pop shops with only a handful of jobs. Ditto for employers: Even a large integrated delivery system may have only five positions to fill at any one time. After you’ve made your way through the first 10 or so sites, with the end of the list nowhere in sight, the appeal of the random-search, more-is-merrier approach quickly fades.

Like the sites of many journals and specialty organizations, those of the largest physician recruiters—among them ours — may also contain valuable job hunting information. For instance, you will find such things as the latest physician compensation surveys, which will give you an idea of what doctors in your specialty are earning these days.

General health care and doctor organization sites

These general sites include physician employment opportunities among a lot of other stuff. The American Medical Association’s Web site (www.ama-assn.org), for example, gives you access to all classified ads appearing in AMA publications like JAMA and American Medical News. There’s also a calendar of events, news briefs, and more.

Social media is your friend

In today’s world, mobile is key. Being a physician, you’re always on the go. Gone are days of pagers and enter the era where your only opportunity to ‘network’ or pop online is using your smart phone.


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